Thursday, February 10, 2011

DIY Bridal Shower ::The Invitations::

One of my very best friends in the *entire* world is getting MARRIED and I am sooooo excited!!  Oh- and guess what?! I'm her Maid of Honor!  When she told me I was so honored that I was flying high on could 9! wasn't until days later that I started to wonder 'what exactly am I supposed to be doing as a Maid of Honor'??...  Well thank God for Google! LOL! I quickly got schooled-up on all of my MOH duties and discovered that one my major duties was to plan and host the bridal shower.

So, teamed up with the Matron of Honor, the planning commenced.  It was decided we would do a cherry blossom theme (I love cherry blossoms and have been wanting to do something with them for a while) and keep it simple, especially because we have a 50+ person guest list.  Of course, I started thinking about I could create to make this wonderful event extra special....after entering a deep creative daze (lol) I emerged with tons of ideas that I'll be sharing over the next few days!  Everything from invitations to favors to party prizes- I'll be sharing it all! So stay tuned!

Up first, the invitations!  I knew I wanted to do something different and unexpected, so I grabbed my Gypsy and started tapping away.  Two simple cuts later (the rectangle from Plantin Schoolbook and the blossom from Pagoda) and I had my invite!  

Inking on the edges of the blossom created a nice dimension

All in all, it took about 10 hours to do the 60 invites.  And in the end-I think it was well worth the time!  Okay, up next I'll be sharing the upscale but low cost shower favor!! 


Nubian Crafter said...

Great invites!! I'm sure your bff will LOVE them!!!

Pink Lady's Paradise said...

Beautiful and unique! What a lucky Bride to have your for her MOH and BFF!

Thanks for the inspiration,
Cindy :)

Columbia Foot Fetish said...

Grateful for sharing this post

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